4. Front Panel Functions
1. LCD Display - Shows menu options, output information and various
parameters being adjusted.
2. Gain Keys - Two input and six-output ‘gain’ keys allow instant access to the
gain screen for each channel. When a channel is selected the accompanying
LED lights up. Pressing a second time selects the last function edited.
3. Next Key - Moves the display forwards through the list of available parameters
for the current input or output channel.
4. Back Key - Moves the display backwards through the list of available
parameters for the current input or output channel.
5. Menu Key - Activates the main menu on the LCD display. Pressing a second
time selects the last menu edited. Different menus are selected by pressing the
‘BACK’ and ‘NEXT’ keys or using the ‘FREQ’ control.
6. Enter Key - Enters the chosen menu and confirms menu selections.
7. Quit Key - Exits the menu.
8. Bypass Key - Allows the currently displayed parametric section to be
bypassed. (Note: The High pass / Low pass filters and limiters can not be
9. Parameter Controls - The three velocity sensitive rotary encoders allow the
relevant parameter, on the LCD screen, to be adjusted.
10. Input Meters - Displays available headroom before input clipping occurs. The
bottom 2 LEDs (green and yellow) are set at -24dB and -6dB below clipping.
The top, red LED displays digital overflow and can therefore light without all the
other LEDs becoming illuminated.
11. Output Meters - Displays headroom before limiting occurs. The bottom two
LEDs display between -24dB and -6dB of input headroom. The top, red LED
indicates 4dB of limiting.
12. Mute Keys – Six output mute keys with LED indicator.