Playlist Builder
Playlist Builder
With Playlist Builder, you can select any cuts (scenes) from a recorded Video
Capsule and create edited Playlists. These Playlists can be played back
continuously, in any order, using Giga Video Recorder.
Launching Playlist Builder
1 Start Video Explorer as follows:
1 Click Start in the Windows taskbar, and then select All Programs.
2 Select Giga Pocket, and then click Video Explorer.
3 Click on the Cabinet icon containing the desired Video Capsule. The
Video Capsules display in the List area.
2 Select the Video Capsule that you want to register in Playlist Builder.
3 Select “Add clip to Playlist Builder” from the Video Capsules menu. The
Playlist Builder main window appears.
✍ Once a Playlist is created, you cannot delete the original Video Capsule. To delete
the original Video Capsule, you must delete the Playlist.
Playlist Builder main window