Start Here RLX-IFHE ♦ RadioLinx Industrial Wireless
User Manual RadioLinx® Industrial Frequency Hopping Ethernet Radios
Page 26 of 109 ProSoft Technology, Inc.
November 19, 2013
SNMP Interface
The RLX-IFHxE radios also support the Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP). This interface can be used to get status information or configure the
radio using a third party SNMP client. The radio acts as a server to respond to
requests sent by the user. The standard method for providing the set of possible
data that can be retrieved and settings that can be modified is through a specially
formatted text file with the extension .MIB. The MIB file for the RLX-IFHxE radios
is located on the CD that ships with your product and on the ProSoft webpage for
the RLX-IFHxE product.
SNMP uses a series of numbers separated by a decimal point to indicate the
unique value that is being accessed. These are called Object Identifiers (OIDs).
While the SNMP standard specifies certain generic OIDs, the most useful are
usually the custom OIDs for a product. The information in the MIB file describes
the custom OIDs to which the RLX-IFHxE SNMP server will respond. This
information includes the OID number and name, whether that OID is read-only or
read/write, the type of the value that this OID will retrieve or can be set, and
sometimes information about what that value means. The file is setup
hierarchically with groups of OIDs contained within a higher level OID. Each OID
specifies a higher order name and a number. The higher order name identifies
the series of numbers before the final number. The full OID would then be that
series along with the number specified in the OID description.
This is an example entry:
radioOperationMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { master(0), repeater(1), remote(2) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Radio Operation Mode: 0 - Master 1 -
Repeater 2 - Slave."
::= { radioConfig 2 }
radioOperationMode is the name of the OID.
The values it accepts and returns is an INTEGER. The valid values of the
integer are 0, 1, and 2 which have a meaning of master, repeater, and remote
This OID allows both read and write capability.
The last line specifies the OID number series. radioConfig is the higher level
OID to which radioOperationMode belongs. 2 is the number for this OID
within the radioConfig group. The radioConfig group is described in a
different entry.