Microphone Jack /
Use only a monaural condenser
Using an input source other
than a monaural condenser mi
crophone may not allow audio
to be input or may damage the
The settings for [Internal MIC]
of the [Main] menu in the
Setup Utility apply to both the
Internal Microphone and the
Microphone Jack.
External Keyboard/Mouse Port
USB Port
(Q= “USB Device”)
External Display Port] Q
Parallel Port ^
Expansion Bus Connector Q
S"“ “Port Replicator”)
Headphone Jack
Use this connector to connect headphones or ampli
fier-equipped speakers. Audio output from the inter
nal speaker is disabled when headphones or external
speakers are connected.
When using a microphone (internal or external), do not remove the check mark for “Mute” under
“Microphone Balance” of the Volume Control dialog box and do not increase the playback volume.
Howling may result. Howling may occur in the same way when disconnecting an external micro
phone. (The microphone of “Volume Control” is in the state of mute at the time of factory shipment.
This is not shown at the time of factory shipment.)
A lithium ion battery that is recyclable powers the product you
have purchased. Please call 1 -800-8-BATTERY for information
on how to recycle this battery.
L’appareil que vous vous êtes procuré est alimenté par une batterie
au lithium-ion. Pour des renseignements sur le recyclage de la
batterie, veuillez composer le 1-800-8-BATTERY.