TV Connections
Before You Begin
Choosing a Language for Menus .......................... 22
ClearThought® Easy Connect Auto Input Sensing ............... 22
Digital Video and Home Recording ........................ 23
Connection Types ................................... 24
HDTV Cable Box or Satellite Receiver with Component Video .... 25
Standard Cable Box, Satellite Receiver, or Other Device with
.......................................... 25
Wall Outlet Cable (no cable box)
......................... 26
Antenna with a Single Lead
............................ 27
Antennas with Separate UHF and VHF Leads
................ 27
VCR to an Antenna or Wall Outlet Cable
................... 28
VCR to a Cable Box (Audio & Video)
...................... 29
DMI Device (Cable Box, Satellite Receiver, DVD Player, or
Other Device)
......................................... 30
DVI Video Device (Cable Box, Satellite Receiver, DVD Player,
or Other Device)
.................................... 30
DVD Player with Component Video
....................... 31
A/V Receiver (Stereo System)
.......................... 31
Older Cable Box
.................................... 32
........................................ 32