The upper rack can be adjusted for height based on requirements:
high position to place bulky crockery in the lower rack and low
by creating more space upwards.
Tip-up compartments with adjustable position*
The side tip-up compartments can be positioned at three different
Wine glasses can be placed safely
in the tip-up compartments by
inserting the stem of each glass
into the corresponding slots. For
optimum drying results incline the
tip-up compartments more. To
change the inclination, pull up the
tip-up compartment, slide it slightly
and position it as you wish.
Cutlery tray*
Somedishwashermodelsarefittedwithaslidingtray which
can be used to hold serving utensils or small cups. For optimum
washing performance avoid positioning bulky crockery directly
below the tray. The cutlery tray can be removed
Adjusting the height of the upper rack
In order to make it easier to arrange the crockery, the upper rack
may be moved to a higher or lower position.
The height of the upper rack should be adjusted WHEN THE
NEVER raise or lower the rack on one side only.
If the rack is equipped with a Lift-Up device*
, lift
it up by holding its sides. To restore the lower position, press
thelevers(A) at the sides of the rack and follow the rack down.
Unsuitable crockery
• Woodencrockeryandcutlery.
• Delicatedecoratedglasses,artistic handicraftandantique
crockery. Their decorations are not resistant.
• Parts in syntheticmaterial whichdonot withstandhigh
• Copperandtincrockery.
• Crockerysoiledwithash,wax,lubricatinggreaseorink.
Thecolours ofglass decorationsandaluminium/silverpieces
of wash cycles too.
Damage to glass and crockery
Caused by:
• Typeofglassandglassproductionprocess.
• Chemicalcompositionofdetergent.
• Watertemperatureofrinsecycle.
• Only useglassesand porcelain guaranteedbythe
manufacturer as dishwasher safe.
• Useadelicatedetergentsuitableforcrockery.
• Collectglassesandcutleryfromthedishwasherassoonas
the wash cycle is over.
*Only available in selected models with different numbers and