a. In the Synchronize Settings dialog box, click Corporation Security Mode. The
application displays the Corporation Security Mode tab.
b. Select the Locked Down radio button.
c. Click OK to close the Synchronize Settings dialog box or click one of the other tabs if you
wish to modify other settings.
Note: If you enter incorrect information or leave a required field blank at any time during the
Configuration Wizard, the application will flag the incorrect field with an exclamation point
icon. When you hover over the exclamation point, the application will display a brief message
indicating the type of error, such as Invalid Entry. This field must be filled in. You must fix the
information before the application will allow you to continue to the next screen.
6. The next screen of the Register the Account section opens, indicating that the registration is
in progress.
7. As the application attempts to complete registration, you will see one of the three following
statuses in the Progress section of the screen: pending, failed, or successful.