Display Type 19” TFT LCD
Display Resolution 1280 x 1024
Display Pixel Pitch 0.264mm
Display Contrast 500:1
Display Brightness 250 cd/m
TV System NTSC-M
TV Tuning system FS with PLL
VHF-L: 55.25MHZ ~ 160.00 MHZ
VHF-H: 160.00 MHZ ~ 442.00 MHZ
UHF: 442.00 ~ 801.25 MHZ
Power Supply AC: 110-240V 50/60Hz
Power Consumption Working: 40W (max)
Standby: <2W
Video Input Component Video
Composite Video
Audio Input RCA Stereo Audio
Audio Output Coaxial Digital Audio
Integrated Stereo Speakers (5W x 2)
Operating Temperature 50ºF - 104ºF
Unit Dimensions 19.92” x 15.47” x 6.1” (WHD)
Weight 11.7 lbs
Specications and manual are subject to change without prior notice.