PPU-231 User’s Manual
12th-column check column is automatically calculated inside the printer and sent from the
host, the entire bar code will be printed, compressed to 8 columns.
JAN-13(EAN) This bar code, consisting of numerals only, has a fixed length of 13 column; a 12-column
number entered from the host or application software plus a check column(13th column)
automatically calculated inside the printer. If the 13th-column numeral is sent from the host,
the entire bar code will be printed as it is.
JAN-8(EAN) This bar code, consisting of numerals only, has a fixed length of 8 column; a 7-column
number entered from the host or application software plus a check column(8th column)
automatically calculated inside the printer. If the 8th-column numeral is sent from the host,
the entire bar code will be printed as it is.
CODE39 This bar code, consisting of uppercase alphabets and numerals, has a variable length of
column. A start/stop code "*" is automatically added by the printer. Available characters
include a space and " $ % + − • / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 " and uppercase alphabets.
ITF This bar code, consisting of numerals only, has a variable length of even column. If an
odd-column code is transferred, nothing will be printed.
This bar code, consisting of alphanumeric, has a variable length of column. Available
characters include " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D $ + − • / : " A start/stop code is required;
any one of A, B, C, and D is used.
CODE128 • This bar code consists of all of 128 ASCII code characters and has a variable length of column.
This printer supports the code subsets A, B, and C. By prefixing a transfer code with any one
character of A, B, and C, you can select the code subset to start from. If not prefixed with A, B,
or C, the code subset B will be selected.
• The code subset A is the bar code consisting of standard uppercase alphabets, numerals,
symbols, and special codes.
• The code subset B is the bar code consisting of standard uppercase/lowercase alphabets,
numerals, symbols, control codes, and special codes.
• The code subset C is the bar code consisting of special characters and 100 kinds of numbers
ranging from 00 to 99.
• The check column automatically calculated inside the printer is added to the end of the
entered column to be printed.
• Processing of the special characters
The characters above the ASCII code number 96 are considered special characters. The
following lists the converted characters for entering these characters.