PPU-231 User’s Manual
ESC c 5 n
[Function] Enabling/Disabling Panel Switches
[Code] <1B>H<63>H<35>H<n>
[Range] {0 ≤ n ≤ FF} Data is described in Hex code.
[Outline] Selecting the LF switch valid/invalid.
• "n" is valid only in the lowest bit (n0).
• "n" bit means the followings.
0 LFSW valid.
1 LFSW invalid.
[Caution] When the panel switch is disabled with this command, the LF switch is disabled.
Therefore, the paper cannot be fed by operating the LF switch.
[Default] • The initial value of n is "0".
[Sample Program]
LPRINT CHR$ (&H1B) + "c5" + CHR$ (0) ; ………… When enabling the LF switch
LPRINT CHR$ (&H1B) + "c5" + CHR$ (1) ; ………… When disabling the LF switch
ESC d n
[Function] Printing and Feeding the paper by n lines
[Code] <1B>H<64>H<n>
[Range] * {0 ≤ n ≤ FF} Data is described in Hex code.
[Outline] Prints data inside the buffer and feeds paper by n lines.
• Specified line does not remain.
• The beginning of the line is to be considered as the next printing start position.
[Default] • The initial value is not defined.
[Sample Program]
LPRINT CHR$ (&H1B) + "d" + CHR$ (2) ;
[Print Results]