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(14) Bit Image Printing (ESC +“K”+ n1 + n2 + n3) Command
With ESC (1BH) + K (4BH) + n1 + n2 + n3 code being input, conversion from
Text mode into Bit Image mode takes place. The n1/n2/n3 assigns amount
of transmission of bit image data which follows these. Where, n1 represents
the no. of bytes in lateral direction and n2 (lowermost)/n3 (uppermost)
represent the no. of dot lines in vertical direction.
(Relations between data and print-out)
D8 D6D7 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1
1 byte
n3 × 256 + n2
No. of dot lines
D1~D8 indicate dot location in each position.
To place a dot in a particular position,
put 1 in binary and 0 for a space.
(Parameter assignable range)
Model n1 n2 n3
24 columns 1~18 0~255 0~1
40 columns 1~23 0~255 0~1
In case that assignment has been made out of the assignable range or n2 =
n3 = 0 has been assigned, Bit Image mode is cancelled and Text mode starts.
With this printer, on completion of read-in of 4-dot-line data or on completion
of n1/n2/n3 assigning data, lacking data are printed as spaces.
Note 1: With n1 = 23 having been assigned in 40-column model, 4 dots from
the lowermost column (LSC-DOT) are made invalid. This is because
the printing position in one line equals 180 dots.
Note 2: On termination of bit image printing, Text mode is reinstated.