CBM-230/231 User’s Manual
(13) Setting the horizontal tab position (ESCDnNUL)
Code : [1B]h + [44]h + n [00]h
*{0≤ n ≤ FF} The data is described with the hexadecimal code.
Sets the horizontal tab position.
• "n" denotes the number of columns from the beginning to the horizontal tab position. At this time, "n" is
the setting position minus 1.
• The tab position is set in the position of the character width × n from the beginning of the line. The
character width at this time includes the right space amount of the character and is doubled when double
width magnification is specified.
• Up to 32 tab positions can be set. Setting of the tab positions beyond this limit is ignored.
• ESC D NUL clears all of set tab positions. After clraring, HT is ignored
(14) Setting the horizontal tab position (ESCDnNUL)
Code : [1B]h + [44]h + n [00]h
*{0≤ n ≤ FF} The data is described with the hexadecimal code.
Sets the horizontal tab position.
• Only the lowest bit(n0) is effective for "n".
• The following table lists the controls by the lowest bit (n0).
n0 Type
0 Canceling highlighting.
1 Specifying highlighting.
• Effective for all characters.
• A highlighted character has one dot each added in the horiz ontal direction.