Advanced Configuration
Linksys WUMC710
Après avoir configuré le connecteur multimédia en suivant les étapes du
guide d’installation rapide, le connecteur multimédia est prêt à être utilisé.
Cependant, si vous souhaitez modifier ses paramètres avancés, utilisez
l’utilitaire basé sur le navigateurWeb du connecteur multimédia. Le présent
chapitre explique chaque page Web de l’utilitaire et les principales options
proposées sur chacune. Vous pouvez accéder à l’utilitaire depuis un navigateur
Web sur un ordinateur connecté au réseau du connecteur multimédia.
The browser-based utility has these main tabs: Setup, Wireless, Administration,
and Status. Additional tabs will be available after you click one of the main tabs.
How to access the browser-based utility
Use a web browser to access the browser-based utility.
If the media connector is connected to a network with a DHCP server (usually
the network router), then the media connector will obtain its IP address from
the DHCP server. If there is no DHCP server, then the media connector will use
its default IP address, (for example, if the media connector is not
connected wirelessly to any device but is connected directly to a computer
with an Ethernet cable). If you set a permanent static IP address on the media
connector through the browser-based utility, then enter the static IP address
If you do not know the media connector’s IP address, then find its
IP address in the DHCP clients table of your router. (Refer to the
documentation for your router.)
If you cannot locate the media connector’s IP address, you can reset
the media connector; press the Reset button on the media connector
for approximately five seconds, using a straightened paper clip. This
will reset the media connector back to the factory default settings.
The media connector will request an IP address from the DHCP server
(usually the network router). If no DHCP server is found (for example,
if the media connector is not connected wirelessly to any device but
is connected directly to a computer with an Ethernet cable), then the
media connector will use its default IP address,, until it
detects a DHCP server and is assigned a dynamic IP address.
Launch your web browser, and enter the media connector’s IP address (the
default setting is in the Address field. Press Enter.
A password request screen appears. (Non-Windows 7 users will see a similar
screen.) Leave the User name field blank. Enter the password you created. If you
did not create a new password, use the default password admin. (You can set
a new password from the Administration > Management screen.) Click OK to
If the password request screen does not appear, wait two minutes
and try again.
Advanced Configuration