Administration Settings
Cisco SPA100 Series Phone Adapters Administration Guide 118
Use the Administration > Management > TR-069 page to configure
communication with an Auto-Configuration Server (ACS) via TR-069 CPE WAN
Management Protocol (CWMP).
To open this page: Click Administration in the menu bar, and then click
Management > TR-069 in the navigation tree.
Enter the settings as described below. After making changes, click Submit to save
your settings, or click Cancel to abandon any unsaved entries.
Field Description
Status Click Enabled to enable remote provisioning, or click
Disabled to disable this feature. The default setting is
ACS URL The URL for the ACS. The format should be http(s)://
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port or xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port. The
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the domain name or IP address of the
ACS server. Both the IP address and the port number
are required.
ACS Username The username for the ACS. The default username is the
Organization Unit Identifier (OUI). This value is required
and must match the username configured on the ACS.
ACS Password The password for the ACS. This value is required and
must match the password configured on the ACS.
Connection Request
This field will be auto-filled and does not need to be
entered manually. The format is http://
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port. The xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP
address for the INTERNET (WAN) interface.
Connection Request
Connection request username. This value must match
the Connection Request Username configured on the
Connection Request
Connection request password. This value must match
the Connection Request Password configured on the