This manual describes the setup and operating procedures for the
WU10 Wi-Fi unit for the Canon imageFORMULA DR series.
To use this device, read this manual together with the instructions for
the scanner to be connected.
Procedures and Example Screens
This manual describes operations using Windows 7 and Mac OS 10.7
(Lion) as examples. For operations that are identical between
Windows and Mac OS X, this manual uses images from Windows as
● Canon and the Canon logo are registered trademarks of Canon Inc.
in the United States and may also be trademarks or registered
trademarks in other countries.
● imageFORMULA is a trademark of CANON ELECTRONICS INC.
● Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are registered trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
● Mac OS is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. in the United States
and other countries.
● Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Alliance, the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo and the Wi-Fi
Protected Setup logo are registered trademarks of the Wi-Fi
● Wi-Fi CERTIFIED, WPA, WPA2 and Wi-Fi Protected Setup are
trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance.
● “WPS” in the settings, onscreen displays and in this manual
denotes Wi-Fi Protected Setup.
● Other product and company names herein may be the trademarks
of their respective owners.
Table of Contents
Safety Precautions ............................................................. 2
About This Product ............................................................ 4
Setup.................................................................................... 6
About Wi-Fi Connections................................................... 9
Connecting using the AP Mode....................................... 10
Connecting using WPS .................................................... 14
Connecting by Manual Setting ........................................ 18
Other Operations .............................................................. 24
Accessing the Web Configuration Page......................... 27
Troubleshooting ............................................................... 40
Specifications ................................................................... 41
Software License .............................................................. 43
User’s Guide