ARRIS Router Setup – Web GUI User’s Guide
Page 28 of 92 January 2012
3.19 Utilities – Reverting to Factory Default Settings
This function restores all of the router’s configuration settings to the factory default setting.
Before restoring the factory defaults, you should back up your current configuration settings
using the Save/Backup Settings function.
Perform the following steps to revert to factory default settings.
1. Access and log into the configuration interface.
2. Click the Utilities tab.
3. Click Factory Defaults in the side menu to display the Factory Defaults screen.
4. Click the Factory Defaults button to reset the router to factory default settings.
3.20 Utilities – Backing up your Settings
This function saves your current configuration settings, which allows you to restore them later if
your settings are lost or changed.
Note: Always backup your current settings before performing a firmware update.
Perform the following steps to revert to backup your settings.
1. Access and log into the configuration interface.
2. Click the Utilities tab.
3. Click Save/Backup Settings in the side menu to display the Save/Backup Settings screen.
4. Click the Save button to backup your router’s settings.
5. Follow the “file download” and “save as” dialog box instructions for your specific browser to
select a location for and save the router.data backup file.
3.21 Utilities –Restoring your Settings
This function allows you to restore a previously saved router configuration.
Perform the following steps to restore previously saved settings.
1. Access and log into the configuration interface.
2. Click the Utilities tab.
3. Click Restore Settings in the side menu to display the Restore Settings screen.
4. Use the Browse button to locate and select the previously saved backup file.
5. click the Restore Chosen File button to restore your router’s settings.
3.22 Utilities – Using System Logs
3.22.1 Configuring the Logs
The Utilities – Log Configuration screen allows you to set system log event configuration.