Something not working
The wash results are not satisfactory
TThhee ddiisshheess aarree nnoott cclleeaann
● The wrong washing programme has been selected.
● The dishes are arranged in such a way as to stop water reaching all parts of
the surface. The baskets must not be overloaded.
● The spray arms do not rotate freely due to incorrect arrangement of the load.
● The filters in the base of the washing compartment are dirty or incorrectly
● Too little or no detergent has been used.
● Where there are limescales deposits on the dishes; the salt container is empty
or the incorrect level of the water softener has been set.
● The drain hose connection is not correct.
● The salt container cap is not properly closed.
TThhee ddiisshheess aarree wweett aanndd dduullll
● Rinse aid was not used.
● The rinse aid dispenser is empty.
TThheerree aarree ssttrreeaakkss,, mmiillkkyy ssppoottss oorr aa bblluuiisshh ccooaattiinngg oonn ggllaasssseess aanndd ddiisshheess
● Decrease rinse aid dosing.
WWaatteerr ddrrooppss hhaavvee ddrriieess oonnttoo ggllaasssseess aanndd ddiisshheess
● Increase rinse aid dosing.
● The detergent may be the cause. Contact the detergent manufacturer’s
consumer care line.
If after all these checks, the problem persists, contact your local Service Force