Chapter 1 Getting to Know Your ZyXEL Device
ZyXEL NBG-334SH User’s Guide
Figure 1 Secure Internet Access via Cable, DSL or Wireless Modem Wireless LAN Application
Add a wireless LAN to your existing network without expensive network cables. Wireless
stations can move freely anywhere in the coverage area and use resources on the wired
Figure 2 WLAN Application Example
1.3 Ways to Manage the ZyXEL Device
Use any of the following methods to manage the ZyXEL Device.
• Web Configurator. This is recommended for everyday management of the ZyXEL Device
using a (supported) web browser.
• Command Line Interface. Line commands are mostly used for troubleshooting by service
• FTP. Use File Transfer Protocol for firmware upgrades and configuration backup/restore.
1.4 Good Habits for Managing the ZyXEL Device
Do the following things regularly to make the ZyXEL Device more secure and to manage the
ZyXEL Device more effectively.
• Change the password. Use a password that’s not easy to guess and that consists of
different types of characters, such as numbers and letters.
• Write down the password and put it in a safe place.