Troubleshooting_ 80
This chapter gives helpful information for what to do if you face an error.
• Common errors
• Understanding error codes
Common errors
Cannot access SyncThru™ Admin 5 from a browser.
User actions
• Make sure that the URL and port number you type in the web browser are correct.
• Check if your
browser is supported by SyncThru™ Admin 5 .
• Ask your ad
Administrator actions
• Check if SyncThru™ Admin 5 is running. If the server is not running, you need to restart the service. If the service
is running, restart the system.
• Check
if you can access SyncThru™ Admin 5 from your host machine, where SyncThru™ Admin 5 is installed. If
you can access SyncThru™ Admin 5 from the host machine, but cannot access it from any remote machine, you
may have a network issue that is preventing communication between the browser and the SyncThru™ Admin 5
host machine.
- Ask your ne
twork administrator. You need to check your network policy, especially security issues.
- Check the security settin
gs, like the firewall, of the remote machine. If the port number of SyncThru™ Admin 5‘s
service is blocked by your network manager or firewall, you may have this problem.
- If you have unchecked th
e firewall configuration at the installation time, you may face this problem. Check the
firewall settings. By default, SyncThru™ Admin 5 will configure the firewall exceptions automatically unless you
change the setting.
Cannot find some network-connected devices
Administrator actions
• Make sure that the specified devices are turned on.
- Fr
om the Windows Start menu, select Run and type in cmd. A window appears. Then, type in ping and the
specified IP address to confirm network connectivity.
• The
devices might have a network communication problem. Check the network configuration of the specified
devices, such as a protocol status.
- Check SNMP commu
nity names. Verify that SNMP GET community names contain public.
• If you know the IP add
resses of the devices that you want to find, you can add the devices using the button
located in the Device L
• If you used Broad
cast discovery method,
- Run th
e discovery when there is less network traffic. If your network is busy, SyncThru™ Admin 5 might not
discover some devices.
- Tr
y another discovery method, IP Range or CSV Import method. If some devices are not on the same subnet,
Broadcast discovery might not find them.
• If you used SLP discovery method,
- Make su
re that the devices support multicast broadcasts. If the devices do not, try another discovery method.
- Check
whether the router is multicast-enabled or not. If the router is not enabled, the multicast packet does not go
out of the router. You need to ask the network administrator to enable the multicast on the router.
• If you used IP Ran
ge discovery method,
- Check i
f the IP Range for the discovery reflects the network that is being scanned. Your network monitoring
system might consider the discovery as being an attack to your network. If so, contact and inform your network
administrator when running this discovery.
- If SyncT
hru™ Admin 5 still cannot find the devices, the devices might have a network communication problem.
Check the network configuration of the specified devices, such as a protocol status.