Leica IP C
Running a test print
• Runatestprinttoverifywhethertheprintheadworkscorrectly.
• Forthatpurpose,fillsomecassettesintoamagazineandinsertthemag-
azine into magazine position 1.
• PressandholdtheCLEAN button until "00" is displayed, then release the
button. A cassette is imprinted with a stored test image. If the print result
is not satisfactory, this step can be repeated several times.
At this point, the instrument has to be "told" which type of cartridge has been
There are three options:
1. New ink cartridge:
Press LOADED; the printer sets the ink level meter to 'full'.
2. Used ink cartridge:
Press ERROR; the printer resumes measuring at the ink level where it
previously left off.
• Thesensorinthecartridgeslotrecognizesthepresenceofa
new cartridge.
• The"InkEmpty"indicatorLEDgoesoutand"88" appears on the
4. Instrument Setup
Exchanging the cartridge (continued)
NEVER press CLEAN while an ink cartridge is in the instrument! The
entire contents of the ink cartridge will spill into the printer.
The fill level of the cleaning cartridge is not monitored. Each use
should be noted on the cartridge. The cartridge can be used twice.
The cycle time when inserting a cleaning cartridge is 3.5 minutes and
is thus considerably longer than that of an ink cartridge.
• Afteroneofthethreebuttonshasbeenpressed,theinkexchangesoftware
routine starts; air is evacuated from the hoses and the system is refilled
with liquid.
• Whentheprocedurehasbeencompleted,"88" disappears from the display.
3. Used or new storage fluid cartridge:
Press the key CLEAN; the current ink level is stored.