Line issue occurs when printing A4 file to A3 size
If you try to print an A4 document with a paper size setting of A3 in Job Properties,
sometimes the print output displays a thick line at the top side of the document, and a thin
line at the bottom side. Resize the document with A3 settings before sending the document to
Cannot specify a custom size setting for a 8.5 x 11 sized slip sheet
You must use paper size 8.5 x 11 for printing slip sheet documents. Custom sizes cannot be
specified in Job Properties for the document.
On Command WorkStation for Mac OS, a set count larger than 15 for
a new Paper Catalog entry gets saved
Command WorkStation does not allow a set count of greater than 15 when you map a JDF
job to a new Paper Catalog entry. However, on Mac OS, Command WorkStation sometimes
displays the set count if you specify an amount greater than 15.
Display of Processing is not localized
If the following Job Mismatch settings are set in Configure:
• Enable Mismatch Action: enabled
• Timeout: 0 min
• Mismatch Action: Cancel
and if you import, then print jobs that are 10 GB or larger, the job status may display a non-
localized “done processing” message briefly under “Job Status” for the documents.
Command WorkStation hangs after canceling jobs when waiting for
jobs to print
After canceling suspended print jobs and try to select other print jobs in the Hold or Printed
tab, Command WorkStation may hang and become unresponsive. Minimize, then maximize
the Command WorkStation window, and then click it to recover.
Hard disk free space does not increase after performing Factory
Defaults on the printer
After restoring the printer to factory default, all remaining print jobs are removed, but
Command WorkStation may display the hard disk space amount being used after factory
default. Due to the large size of the print job and the amount of time required for Secure
Erase to erase the job data, it may take a while to recover hard drive disk space.