Use embedded profile option with APPE enabled
Changing the RGB rendering intent may affect the output of CMYK data when using CPSI
with the “Use embedded profile when present” option. As a workaround, use APPE rather
than CPSI, or change the RGB Rendering intent to “Relative.”
Conflict message appears when Auto-Trapping is selected
In Job Properties > Color tab, a Conflict message appears when you try to enable Auto-
Tr a p p i n g .
1 Set Two-Way Communication to “Off” on the driver.
2 Add Auto-Trapping to “Installed Options”.
3 Open a document and turn on Auto-Trapping in Job Properties.
4 Send the job to print.
5 Verify that Auto-Trapping is set to “On” in Command WorkStation > Job Properties.
6 Restart the Fiery Color Server.
7 In Command WorkStation, select any job and enable Auto-Trapping in Job Properties > Color
Preview of a raster job does not match the preview display in Job
Properties > Booklet > Mixed Media
The preview screen does not display both front and back blank pages of a booklet job.
Paper size settings on the printer does not match settings in
Command WorkStation
On the printer, if you specify paper settings and then verify the settings in Command
WorkStation, the Paper Size setting does not match the same setting. Reboot the printer and
the Fiery Color Server to get the correct matching value for Paper Size.
AppleTalk support
AppleTalk is supported for only font downloads if you enable the option in Configure >
Network > Protocol. You cannot print jobs with the AppleTalk protocol.
Incorrect page order with Booklet-Perfect Left Binding
If you set the layout setting of a job with landscape orientation to Booklet-Perfect Left
Binding and print, the page order outputs incorrectly. When you set the original document to
landscape orientation, set “Face down - reverse order” as the layout setting.