C351 12-10
SNMP Abbreviation for Simple Network Management Protocol. A manage-
ment protocol in a network environment using TCP/IP.
TCP/IP Abbreviation for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.
The de facto standard protocol used by the Internet that uses IP ad-
dresses to identify each network device.
TrueType An outline font that was developed by Apple Computer and Micro-
soft. It is used as a standard by Macintosh and Microsoft Windows
and can be used both on a display and in print.
USB Abbreviation for Universal Serial Bus. A general interface standard
for connecting a mouse, printer, and other devices to a computer.
Outline Font A font using lines and curves to display an outline of a character.
Large-size characters can be displayed on a screen or printed with
no jagged edges.
Uninstall To delete software installed on a computer
WINS Abbreviation for Windows Internet Naming Service. A service for re-
calling named servers for the conversion of computer names and IP
address in a Windows environment.
Ethernet LAN transmission line standard
Print Job Print request transmitted from a computer to a printing device.
Install To install hardware, operating systems, applications, printer drivers
on to a computer
Web Browser Software such as Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator for view-
ing Web pages.
Resolution Displays the ability to reproduce the details of images and print mat-
ter correctly.
Color Matching Technology for decreasing the difference in color among different
devices such as scanners, displays, and printers.
Brightness Brightness of a display screen
Queue Name Required logical printer name for LPD/LPR printing
Shared Printer A printer setup that allows the printer to be used by multiple comput-
ers connected to a server over a network.
Client A computer that uses the services provided by a server through a
Grayscale Monochrome image expressive form using the gradation information
from black to white
Gateway Hardware and software used as the point where a network is con-
nected to a network. A gateway also changes data formats, ad-
dresses, and protocols according to the connected network.
Subnet Mask The unit used to divide a TCP/IP network into small networks (sub-
networks). It is used to identify the bits in a network address that are
higher than the IP address.
Screen Font A font for displaying text and symbols on a CRT monitor.
Spool Abbreviation for Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On-Line. For
printer output, data is not sent directly to the printer, it is temporarily
stored in another location, then sent to the printer collectively.
Term Definition