C351 12-9
NetBEUI Abbreviation for NetBIOS Extended User Interface. A network proto-
col developed by IBM. By simply specifying the computer name, you
can build a small-scale network.
NetWare Network operating system developed by Novell. NetWare IPX/SPX
is used as the communication protocol.
Nprinter/Rprinter Remote printer support module for using a printer server under a
NetWare environment. Use NetWare 3.x with Rprinter, and NetWare
4.x with Nprinter.
OHP/OHT OHP (overhead projector) transparencies which are used for presen-
OS Abbreviation for Operating System. Basic software for controlling
the system of a computer.
PDF Abbreviation for Portable Document Format. An electronically for-
matted document which uses the .pdf extension. Based on the Post-
Script format, you can use the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software
to view documents.
PDL Abbreviation for Page Description Language. The language for spec-
ifying the print image per page to a printer when printing using a
page printer.
PostScript A typical page-descriptive language developed by Adobe and is
commonly used for high quality printing.
PPD Abbreviation for PostScript Printer Description. A file used to de-
scribe the resolution, usable paper size, and the PostScript printer
model special information.
Proxy Server A server that is installed to act as an intermediary connection be-
tween each client and different servers to effectively ensure security
over the entire system for Internet connections.
Pserver Print server module under a NetWare environment that monitors,
changes, pauses, restarts, or cancels a print job.
Queue Name Name specified to each device that allows printing when network
RIP Abbreviation for Raster Image Processor. Process that develops pic-
ture images from described text data using the PostScript page de-
scription language. The processor is usually integrated in the printer.
RGB Abbreviation for Red, Green, and Blue. Represents all colors by
changing the brightness ratio of the RGB 3 colors using the primary
colors used by the color representation in a monitor.
Samba UNIX server software that uses SMB (Server Message Block) so that
UNIX system resources can be used from a Windows environment.
SLP Abbreviation for Service Location Protocol. A protocol capable of
finding services over a TCP/IP network and automatically specifying
a client.
SMB Abbreviation for Server Message Block. A protocol that shares files
and printers over a network and which is mainly used by Microsoft
SMTP Abbreviation for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. A protocol for send-
ing and forwarding e-mail.
Term Definition