First try the solutions suggested here and possibly avoid the cost of a service call...
................................................................................................ ■ White residue on the front of the access panel
.................................. Was too much detergent used? Refer to the “Detergent
■ Dishwasher does not run or stops during a cycle Dispenser section.
, , I j U.H j I * u .JO Is the brand of detergent making excess foam? Try a different
Is the door olosed tightly and latched? ^
Is the right cycle selected? Refer to the “Cycle Selection ^ dishwasher
, * iu u u o 11 u u ij i Are dishes washed only every 2 or 3 days? Run a rinse cycle
Is there power to the dishwasher? Has a household fuse
, j.,.,, .„Im f, .n i„., j
, I u I 4. ■ JO once or twice a day until you have a full load,
blown, or has a circuit breaker tripped? ’ ^
,, . . j j 4. I JO Tu 4. Does the dishwasher have a new plastic smell? Run a vinegar
Has the mo or stopped due to an overload? The motor 3^ „3 ,3^1^
automatical y resets itself within a few minutes. If it does not ,^¡3 Troubleshooting guide,
restart, call for service. ^ ^
, j « I ,4 j II ji * JO ■ Condensation on the kitchen counter (built-in models)
Is the water shut-off valve {if installed) turned on? ' '
... 14 .j ■ 14 4 ji 4 I Is the dishwasher aligned with the countertop? Moisture from
UonnTn , repeatedly pause for several dishwasher console can form on the counter,
seconds during the wash cycle. Installation Instruotions for more information.
■ START/RESUME light is flashing
Was the door opened during the cycle, or was the power Dishes are not compieteiy ciean
interrupted? The Start/Resume light will flash when the door
is opened during a cycle, or may flash if the power is ■ Food soil left on the dishes
interrupted. Press START/RESUME to resume the cycle. . i„.,j„j
.,1'^.. . -4 II I JJI4UJ Is the dishwasher loaded correctly? Refer to the Dishwasher
Make sure the door is fully closed and latched. , „ .. ^
^ Loading section.
■ Clean light is flashing 1^ water temperature too low? For best dishwashing
The dishwasher has malfunctioned. Call for service to check results, water should be 120°F (49°C) as it enters the
heater circuit. dishwasher. Refer to the “Dishwasher Efficiency
■ Dishwasher will not fill section.
, 4 4- 4, 4 uI 4 jj Did you use the correct amount of fresh detergent? Use
fJvoX'I Kfnin 1 " recommended dishwasher detergents only. R^r to the
’ Detergent Dispenser section. Detergent must be fresh to be
■ Dishwasher seems to run too long effective. Store detergent in a cool, dry area. Heavy soil and/
Is the water supplied to the dishwasher hot enough? The water generally require extra detergent.
dishwasher runs longer while heating water. Refer to the Do you have hard water? You may need to increase the
“Dishwasher Efficiency Tips” section. amount of detergent you are using. Refer to the “Detergent
... 4 4- II ■ u j ■ I Dispenser” section. Also, you may need to switch to a
A delay automatically occurs in some wash and rinse cycles
.„ ._________, ’
i. ^n/
... 4 u 4u 44 detergent with a phosphorus content of 8.7%.
until the water reaches the proper temperature. ^ h h
_ .... Is detergent caked in dispenser? Use fresh detergent only. Do
. Water remains in the dishwasher 3H^« detergent to sit for several hours in a wet dispenser.
Is the cycle complete? Clean dispenser when caked detergent is present.
■ Detergent remains in the covered section of the is the pump or spray arm clogged by labels from bottles and
dispenser cans?
Is the cycle complete? Is the home water pressure high enough for proper
Is the deternent lumn-free? Renlace deteroent if necessarv dishwasher filling? Home water pressure should be 20 to
IS tne aeiergem lump tree, nepiace aetergent it necessary. g^g j^pg^ proper dishwasher fill. A booster
Is the bottom rack installed properly with the bumpers (on pump on the water supply can be added if pressure is too
some models) In the front? Refer to the “Parts and Features” low.
section. Reinstall the rack if necessary. ,4u-uji -4u u n 4
^ Are high suds slowing the wash arm? Do not use soap or
laundry detergents. Use recommended dishwasher
detergents only.