CommandsAppendix —A
53PK80 Series 80-Column Prin ter User’s Manual
PK80F Control Sequences
The following control sequences are for the PK80F Printer:
Note: Any time ESC is used in a command, the command needs to con-
tain the actual ASCII character for ESC (0x1B), not the letters E-S-C.
included in the documentation for readability.
Commands Description
LF (0Ah) Line Feed A single LF prints, advances paper, and places a carriage return at the end of the line.
Multiple LF s continues to advance paper (or insert blank lines).
CR (0Dh) Carriage Re turn A single CR prints and places carriage at end of line (no LF). With multiple CRs, all
S CR = print and position carriage at the end of line (no LF).
S LF = print, advance one line, and place carriage at end of line.
S CRLF = print and advance one line.
S LFCR = print and advance one line.
S CRCRCRCR. . .(n times) = print, place carriage at the EOL (no LF).
S LFLFLFLF. . .(n times) = print and advance n lines.
FF (0Ch) Form Feed This prints, advances paper to the top of the next page, and places a carriage return at
the end of the line.
DEL (07h) This cancels the previous character sent on that line.
SO (0Eh) Thissetsthedoublewidemode(ifnot in the condensed mode) for one line only and
cancels the c ondensed mode (if in the condense d mode).
SI (0Fh) This sets the condensed mode (if not inthedoublewidemode)andcancelsthedouble
wide mode (if in the double wide mode).
DC2 (12h) This sets the pica pitch mode and cancels the double wide, emphasized, and condensed
DC4 (14h) This cancels the double wide mode set by SO.
CAN (18h) This cancels the current line without printing.
ESC SO This selects the double wide mode for one line only.
ESC SI This selects the condensed mode.
ESC DC2 This cancels the condensed mode.
ESC DC4 This cancels the double wide mode.
ESC @ This is the master rese t, w h ich re s ets the printer to its default s tates.
ESC ! n Master select - each bit in n selects or deselects a feature:
S All zeros — Select PICA
S Bit 0 — Select ELITE
S Bit 2 — Select Condensed (compressed)
S Bit 3 — Select Emphasized (bold)
S Bit 5 — Double Width (expanded)
S Bit 6 — Italic
S Bit 7 — Underline
ESC - n This enables or disables the underline mode. If n=1, then enable the underline mode. If
n=0, then disable the underline mode.