Intrusion Prevention System (IPS): A device or software used to prevent intruders from
accessing systems from malicious or suspicious activity. This is contrast to an
Intrusion Detection System (IDS), which merely detects and notifies. Sygate Security
Agent is both an IDS and an IPS product since the Agent includes both an IDS and
firewall functionality making it capable of not only detecting but also blocking an
attack. See also Intrusion Detection System (IDS).
IP address: A 32-bit address used to identify a node on a network. Each node on the
network must be assigned a unique address in dotted decimal notation, such as See also local IP address, remote IP address.
IP fragmentation: A packet that has been split into two or more packets. The Sygate
Security Agent supports IP fragmentation, the ability to receive or send incomplete
packets over the network. See also packets, Fragmented Packets.
IP spoofing: IP spoofing is a process where an intruder uses an IP address of another
computer to acquire information or gain access. Because the intruder appears to be
someone else, if a reply is sent, it goes to the spoofed address, not the intruder’s
address. See also Anti-IP Spoofing.
IPS: See Intrusion Prevention System (IPS).
LDAP: See Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).
library: See signature library, System Library, custom library.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): A standard directory access protocol
for searching and updating information directories containing, for example, email
addresses, phone numbers, and computer names and addresses. LDAP is the
primary protocol used to access directory servers such as Active Directory. See also
Active Directory, directory server.
local IP address: From the perspective of the Agent, the IP address of the computer the
user is working on. See also IP address.
local port: From the perspective of the Sygate Security Agent, the port on the computer
being used for this connection. See also port.
Location: A set of rules and regulations called a security policy that the Sygate Management
Server sends to each Sygate Security Agent whenever the Agent sends a request to
the Management Server. Location is defined by the network settings of the computer
where the request was initiated. See also network settings.