filtering logs: Viewing selected information from logged information. For example, a filter
can be set up so that you can view only blocked traffic, critical information, or
logged events occurring during the past day. See also logs.
firewall: Hardware, software, or a combination of both that is used to prevent unauthorized
Internet users from accessing a private network. All information entering or leaving a
network must pass through a firewall, which examines the information packets and
blocks those that do not meet security criteria. The Sygate Security Agent Allows or
Blocks whether incoming traffic is allowed to access an organization’s network or
resources. By using firewall rules, an Agent can systematically allow and block
incoming traffic from specific IP addresses and ports. See also firewall rule, Sygate
Security Agent.
firewall rule: A stipulation that helps determine whether or not a computer can gain access
to a network. For example, a firewall rule may state “Port 80 is allowed.”
groups: All users and computers on an enterprise network are organized into groups with
similar security needs and settings. Computer and Users Groups are created and
maintained by a system administrator on the Sygate Management Server. A group
cannot be edited unless it is locked or checked-out first making it so only one
administrator can make changes to it at any time. See also Computer Group, Users
Group, Global Group.
GUID: Global Unique Identifier. See unique ID.
hijack: A type of attack where an intruder takes control of an existing communication
session between a server and a legitimate user who has connected and authenticated
with the server. The intruder can monitor the session passively recording the transfer
of sensitive information such as passwords and code. Another type of hijacking
involves an active attack done by forcing the user offline (with a Denial of Service
attack) and taking over the session. The intruder begins acting like the user,
executing commands, and sending information to the server.
HP Sygate Security Agent: See Sygate Security Agent.
ICMP: See Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).