Getting Started
IBM 5250 Options
The IBM 5250 Model option specifies what is reported back to the host in response to
a terminal identification request. (Note that not all features of the specified terminal
may be supported.) The terminal models and their display characteristics are listed
Model Display Rows x Columns
5291_1 Monochrome 24 x 80
5292_2 Colour 24 x 80
5251_11 Monochrome 24 x 80
3179_2 Colour 24 x 80 (default)
3196_A1 Monochrome 24 x 80
3180_2 Monochrome 24 x 80 and 27 x 132
3477_FC Colour 24 x 80 and 27 x 132
3477_FG Monochrome 24 x 80 and 27 x 132
3486_BA Monochrome 24 x 80
3487_HA Monochrome 24 x 80
3487_HC Colour 24 x 80
The printer models are listed below:
3812-1 Single byte printer
The setting of the IBM 5250 Monochrome option will match the normal display
characteristic of the selected IBM 5250 model by default. Note that the emulation of
all IBM 5250 models supports both monochrome and colour display. When
monochrome is selected, characters will be displayed in green and intense fields will
be displayed in white. When monochrome is not selected, the settings specified in the
Attributes dialog box (described in the Setup Menus chapter) will be used for the
The setting of the Left Ctrl acts as Reset Key option determines whether or not the
left Control key performs the same function as the Reset key.
The setting of the Right Ctrl acts as Enter Key option determines whether or not
the right Control key performs the same function as the keypad Enter key.
The setting of the Carriage Return acts as Enter Key option determines whether or
not the Return key performs the same function as the keypad Enter key.