select Enable.
ESSID: The ESSID is the unique name of a wireless access point (AP) used to
distinguish one from another. For security propose, change to a unique ID name which is
already built into the router wireless interface. It is case sensitive and must not exceed 32
characters. Make sure your wireless clients have exactly the ESSID as the device in order to
connect to your network.
Hide ESSID: This function enables the router to become invisible on the network. Thus,
any clients using the wireless setting to search for available or specific router on the network
will not be able to discover the router whose Hide ESSID function is set to enabled. The
default setting is disabled.
Regulation Domain: There are seven Regulation Domains for you to choose from,
including North America (N.America), Europe, France, etc. The Channel ID will be different
based on this setting.
Channel ID: Select the channel ID that you would like to use.
Security Mode: You can disable or enable with WPA or WEP to protect wireless network.
The default mode of wireless security is Disable.
WPA Shared Key: The key for network authentication. The input format is in character
style and the key size should be in the range between 8 and 63 characters.
Group Key Renewal: The period of renewal time for changing the security key between
wireless client and Access Point (AP). This process is done automatically.
Note: Wireless performance may degrade if the selected channel ID is already being
occupied by other AP(s).