De Lorean Part Number 113090,the Owner’s
Handbook,can be viewed using any Adobe Acrobat 2.0
reader (available from the Adobe web site -
In the interest of historical accuracy,I decided to
leave the errors (typographical and otherwise) in this re-
creation of the Owners Handbook.All are relatively
minor,primarily misspellings.Owners of De Lorean
automobiles will want to consult with either the De
Lorean Owners Association or a qualified service center
for current maintenance information.
While it is possible to purchase an actual De Lorean
Owners Handbook from a variety of different sources,
most are priced at about $35 as this is written.While a
digital version like this is no substitute from a collectors
standpoint,many of the De Loreans changing hands
today no longer have an Owners Handbook.This digital
version,as an exact recreation,does offer much useful
information to the new De Lorean owner.Additionally,
even if you do have an Owners Handbook,you now have
the option of “putting it away” and using this digital
To register this Handbook,send your name,address,
I will email you the address to mail your payment of $15.
When your payment is received I will email you
the unlocked version of the file.
All proceeds benefit the DMCNews - The DeLorean
Mailing List.