concentrated HE detergent will show the level of concentration
on the bottle. If so, simply set the concentration level in the
Precision Dispense menu to match the level shown on the bottle.
However, if the detergent bottle does not give the concentration,
it can be easily calculated. Just divide the package size in uid
ounces by the number of loads. Then refer to the chart below to
nd the concentration.
If you do not get your desired cleaning results, try using a lower
concentration number. If you have excess suds, try using a higher
concentration number.
Concentration Number of ounces ÷ number of loads
1X >2.5
2X 1.5 - 2.49
3X 0.9 - 1.49
4X 0.7 - 0.89
5X 0.5 - 0.69
6X 0.3 - 0.49