Color Space (Auto / Native): Adjusts the range of colors (the color gamut)
available to create images.
White Balance: Adjusts the color temperature for a more natural picture.
R-Offset / G-Offset / B-Offset: Adjusts each color’s (red, green, blue)
R-Gain / G-Gain / B-Gain: Adjusts each color’s (red, green, blue) brightness.
Reset: Resets the White Balance to its default settings.
Flesh Tone: Emphasizes pink “Flesh Tone.”
Edge Enhancement (Off / On): Emphasizes object boundaries.
Motion Lighting (Off / On): Reduces power consumption by reducing screen
brightness when the picture on the screen is in motion.
3D is not supported.
When you change the Cell Light, Contrast, or Brightness, the TV sets
Motion Lightning to Off.