XPS-ProMail System Operations 4-24-14.doc 25
4. While watching the printer status in the “Printers” folder; power the printer off, wait 10 seconds,
and power the printer on.
Tip: To display the printer “status” column in the “Printers” folder; click on “view” and then select
The printer status should toggle from “offline” to “ready” when you power the printer on.
The status should toggle from “ready” to “offline” when you power the printer off.
IMPORTANT! You may need to repeat this step (power printer off/on) more than once, for the
system to recognize the printer and to see the status change.
5. If the printer status does NOT change, when you power the printer off and on; click on the “Ports”
tab, then locate and select the next lower numbered USB port (in this case USB002), in the list.
Then click on Apply.
Then go to Step # 4.
6. If the printer status changes when you power the printer off/on then close the printer driver’s
properties window by clicking on OK.
7. You are Finished.
Your printer driver has been properly configured for the USB port you are connected to and the
driver is communicating with printer.
You are ready to begin printing.