Specification Check-General — X'02'
Explanation: The LCC command simplex/duplex parameter is invalid or
Alternate Exception Action: If invalid, none. If unsupported, the printer
prints simplex.
1. The font inline sequence in Load Font Equivalence command is not
supported or not supported with the current Text Orientation.
2. The Font Index specified in a Load Font Equivalence command called out
by a Set Coded Font Local text control is not loaded.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The Target or Source Pel Count value on the Write Image
Control command is less than 1.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The Target or Source Pel Count value on the Write Image
Control command is greater than the valid or supported maximum.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The Target or Source Scan Count value on the Write Image
Control command is less than 1.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The Target or Source Scan Count value on the Write Image
Control command is greater than the valid or supported maximum.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
X'023601' Invalid or Unsupported Load Copy Control Simplex/Duplex
X'023F02' Font Index Not Loaded
X'024201' WIC Pel Count < Minimum Required
X'024301' WIC Pel Count > Maximum Allowed
X'024401' WIC Scan Count < Minimum Required
X'024501' WIC Scan Count > Maximum Allowed