Printing menu 25
printing stopped 97, 112
printing system software 7
priority, settings 48
processor speed 4
PS Defer Media setting 37
PS Emulation drivers 7
PS error pages
settings 26
troubleshooting 96
PS font list, printing 22
PS, setting as printer
language 30
punched paper
fuser modes 27
printing on 58
quality. See print quality
quick copy jobs 29
quick sets 71
RAM disk
settings 31, 41
rear output bin
locating 5
printing to 52
recovery, jam 31, 41, 118
recycled paper 67
recycling 165
reducing documents 72
registration settings 27
regulatory statements 164
removing Macintosh software 10
repacking printer 155
repeating defects,
troubleshooting 131, 135
replacing printing cartridges 88
Resets menu 34
resizing documents 72
features 4
settings 28
troubleshooting quality 125
Resolution Enhancement
technology (REt) 28
resource saving 178
restoring default settings 34
REt (Resolution Enhancement
technology) 28
retention, job
deleting 77
printing 77
Retrieve Job menu 21
settings 29
Retrieve Job menu 21
RFU load errors 113
right-side panel, locating 5
rough paper 27
safety statements 169, 170
sanitizing disk 113
saving resources, memory 178
scaling documents 72
serial buffer overflow errors 105
serial data errors 106
repacking printer 155
service agreements 155
control panel 16, 36
driver presets (Macintosh) 74
drivers 9
priority 48
quick sets (Windows) 71
restoring defaults 34
shipping printer 155
Show Me How menu 20
SIMMs, incompatibility 172
size mismatch errors 113
size, paper specifications 12
Size/type prompt setting 37
skewed pages 132
Sleep mode
delay, setting 30, 38
power specifications 158
turning on or off 34, 38
slow printing, troubleshooting 97,
smeared toner,
troubleshooting 130
direct connection installation,
Macintosh 10
drivers 7
HP Easy Printer Care 11
Macintosh 9
settings 36, 48
software license
agreement 152
uninstalling Macintosh 10
Web sites 7
Solaris software 10
acoustic 158
electrical 158
envelopes 160
features 4
labels 161
media 12
operating environment 159
paper 160
paper types 50
physical 158
transparencies 162
specks, troubleshooting 128,
data transmission settings 33
pages per minute 3
resolution settings 28
troubleshooting 94, 97, 100
Spool32 errors 137
spots, troubleshooting 128, 134
HP Easy Printer Care
software 81
messages, types of 102
supplies page, printing 22
status, supplies
control panel messages 17
stopped printing,
troubleshooting 97, 112
stopping a print request 76
storage, job
deleting 77
printing 77
Retrieve Job menu 21
settings 29
envelopes 161
paper 68
print cartridges 86
straight-through paper path 52
counterfeit 87
memory errors 103
196 Index ENWW