4 - 4
CTRL Key Combinations
On the 28-key keypad, hold down the Control key (CTRL) and then press a key with the red characters
below it to type the desired character.
On the 52-key keypad, press the Blue button and then press a key with the blue text to the upper left of
it to type the desired character. You will need to press the Blue key before each special character.
FUNC + 9 F9 - user programmable
FUNC + 10 F10 - user programmable
FUNC PG Page up or down - used in conjunction
with Up and Down arrows
Key Combination
CTRL + 1 !
CTRL + 2 @
CTRL + 3 #
CTRL + 4 $
CTRL + 5 %
CTRL + 6 ^
CTRL + 7 &
CTRL + 8 (
CTRL + 9 )
CTRL + . - (minus)
CTRL + 0 *
CTRL + SP + (plus)
Key Combination
CTRL + A +
CTRL + B ;
CTRL + C (
CTRL + D )
CTRL + F -
Key Combination