Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)
Tick to Enable the WPS feature.
WPS Button: Tick to Enable the WPS push button.
Wi-Fi Protected Setup Information
WPS Current Status: Shows whether the WPS function is Configured or Un-configured.
Configured means that WPS has been used to authorize connection
between the device and wireless clients.
SSID: The SSID (wireless network name) used when connecting using WPS.
Shows the encryption method used by the WPS process.
Passphrase Key: This is the passphrase key that is randomly generated during the
WPS process. It is required if wireless clients that do not support WPS
attempts to connect to the wireless network.
WPS Via Push
Click this button to initialize WPS feature using the push button
There are two methods to initialize the WPS feature. They are the Push Button and Pin code methods.