6.9.3 Port Forwarding Setup
Port forwarding enables multiple server applications on a LAN to serve clients on a WAN over a single WAN IP address. The
router accepts incoming client packets, filters them based on the destination WAN, or public, port and protocol and forwards
the packets to the appropriate LAN, or local, port. Unlike the DMZ feature, port forwarding protects LAN devices behind the
Enable Port Forwarding Click Enable Port For-
warding to active port forwarding.
Description Enter notes or details about the forwarded
port configuration.
Local IP Enter the local IP address of the server behind
the NAT firewall.
Protocol Select the protocol to use for mapping from the
following: TCP, UDP or Both.
Local Port Enter the LAN port number that WAN client
packets will be forward to.
Public Port Enter the WAN port number that clients will
send their packets to.
Click Add to append a new configuration to the table or
Reset to discard changes.