NAT Settings
NAT Settings
NAT (Network Address Translation) involves re-writing the source and/or destination
addresses of IP packets as they pass through a Router or firewall. NAT enable
multiple hosts on a private network to access the Internet using a single public IP
NAT & ALG Settings
Click on the checkbox to enable NAT function, IPSec (IP Security), PPTP
(point-to-point tunneling protocol), and L2TP (layer 2 tunneling protocol) pass
through on Virtual Private Network (VPN), or clear to disable. Fill in the port number
in the Non-standard FTP port blank if you need.
ALG Settings
Click on the checkbox to enable SIP (session initiation protocol), NetMeeting,
Window Messenger File Transfer, and StarCraft/Battle.net ALG.
* Please click on the Save Settings button or the Reset Settings button on the above table
to save/reset the configurations.