4. Remove the optical drive (see Removing the Optical Drive).
5. Remove the drive bay (see Removing the Drive Bay).
6. Locate the 3-pin CMOS jumper on the system board (see System Board Components).
7. Remove the 2-pin jumper plug from pins 2 and 3 and fix it on pins 1 and 2.
8. Wait for approximately five seconds to clear the CMOS settings and passwords.
9. Remove the 2-pin jumper plug from pins 1 and 2 and replace it on pins 2 and 3.
10. Replace the drive bay (see Replacing the Drive Bay).
11. Replace the optical drive (see Replacing the Optical Drive).
12. Replace the top bracket (see Replacing the Top Bracket).
13. Replace the top cover (see Replacing the Top Cover).
14. Connect your computer and devices to electrical outlets, and turn them on.
Flashing the BIOS
The BIOS may require flashing when an update is available or when replacing the system board. To flash the BIOS:
1. Turn on the computer.
2. Go to the Dell Support website at support.dell.com.
3. Click Drivers & Downloads® Select Model.
4. Locate the BIOS update file for your computer:
If you have your computer's Service Tag:
a. Click Enter a Service Tag.
b. Enter your computer's Service Tag in the Enter a service tag: field, click Go, and proceed to step 5.
If you do not have your computer's Service Tag:
a. Select the type of product in the Select Your Product Family list.
b. Select the product brand in the Select Your Product Line list.
c. Select the product model number in the Select Your Product Model list.