36 user’s guide
signing up for a new or an existing isp account
using easy internet sign-up
Using Easy Internet Sign-up (available on select models only) you can:
• Sign up for a new Internet account.
• Set up an existing account.
• Read about Internet access using a LAN (Local Area Network), cable modem,
or DSL (Digital Subscriber Line).
If you decide to use a DSL or cable Internet connection, contact your ISP for any
specific software and hardware you may need.
To open Easy Internet Sign-up:
Double-click the Easy Internet Sign-up icon on the desktop.
1 Click Start on the taskbar.
2 Choose All Programs. Choose Online Services.
3 Click Easy Internet Sign-up.
Follow the onscreen instructions.
NOTE: Your modem cable must be connected to the telephone service line in
order for Easy Internet Sign-up to find and obtain updated information about
NOTE: If you are using MSN or AOL and have questions, refer to the
information in Easy Internet Sign-up or contact the ISP directly.