Call packages
People use their phone in different ways and at different times. Maybe you use yours mainly in
the evenings. Or weekends? Or perhaps you make a lot of daytime calls. If you haven’t checked
recently, it might be worth seeing if you’re on the best package for the way you use your phone.
You can see our latest deals and offers at bt.com/calls. Or call 0800 800 150.
Help with phone costs
The Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act (CSDPA) gives local councils a duty to assess the
needs of disabled people for help with the cost of a phone service and any necessary special
equipment. Installation and rental costs might be included but not call charges. Contact your
local council for more information.
BT Basic – help if you’re on a low budget
We know that sometimes customers need a little extra help with a phone line. That’s why we
worked closely with telecoms regulator Ofcom to create BT Basic, a low-cost phone package
that helps you keep in touch even if money’s a bit tight.
The package is made up of a low-cost line rental and a call allowance. All the phone costs are
very clearly priced to help you keep track of your spending and within budget.
If you go over your call allowance, you’ll pay a set rate for normal UK calls and all other types of
calls will be charged at standard BT Basic calling plan rates.
You can usually get BT Basic if you’re getting one of these benefits:
• Income Support
• Income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance
• Employment and Support Allowance (income related)
• Pensions Credit (Guarantee Credit)
• Universal Credit (and are on zero earnings).
What is Universal Credit?
Universal Credit is a new benefit for people who are unemployed or on a low income and will
replace a range of existing benefits.
From April 2013, Universal Credit will start in a test area and will begin to be introduced across
the UK from October 2013.
What do you mean by Universal Credit and zero earnings?
This means, the benefit claimant has no earnings from employment or self-employment during
the assessment period for their benefit.
For more information, go to bt.com/btbasic.