In this guide, you’ll find information about our standard and more
specialised products and services. We hope that it will be useful for
everyone but it’s especially aimed at our customers who find
communication more challenging.
We understand that everyone has different communication needs and, while we don’t want to
make assumptions about what you can or can’t do, or want to do, we hope you’ll find enough
information to make informed decisions.
We’ve brought together lots of information about our products and services, help and support,
news, advice, information – and much more – all in one place, at bt.com/includingyou
The Including You website is fully accessible and you can alter font sizes and background
colour to suit your needs. It’s compatible with Browsealoud – which reads web pages aloud
and highlights each word as it’s spoken – useful if you need help reading or seeing a computer
screen. Many pages also have information in British Sign Language (BSL).
This booklet is free of charge. You can get a copy, or copies, by going to our download section
on the Including You website or by calling 0800 800 150.
It’s also available in:
• large print
• Braille
• audio CD.
If you’re a textphone user, you can contact any of the numbers shown in this
guide by inserting the prefix 18001.