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To set up or edit your voicemail number
1. Press
, scroll
to BT sERvICEs and press
2. Scroll
to vOICE MAIL. Press
3. Scroll
to EDIT nUMBER. Press
4. Enter the Voicemail number and press
Call Divert
You can choose to divert all calls or to divert calls only if the line is
busy or only if there is no answer when someone calls to another
telephone number of your choice.
Set up or edit a Call Divert number
1. Press
, scroll
to BT sERvICEs and press
2. Scroll
to DIvERT CALLs and press
3. Press
to highlight either ALL CALLs, BUsy or
nO AnswER and press
4. Scroll
to EDIT nUMBER and press
5. Enter the number you want to divert calls to and press
Activate/deactivate Call Divert
1. Press
. Scroll
to BT sERvICEs and press
2. Scroll
to divert calls and press
3. Press
to highlight which feature you want to
switch on or off: ALL CALLs, BUsy or nO AnswER and press
4. Scroll
to highlight activate or deactivate and
to delete any existing
number if necessary.