If you experience any problems, please call the Helpline on Freephone 0808 100 6556* or visit www.bt.com/producthelp
BT Network Services
By selecting the BT Services menu you can access a range of
useful pre-stored numbers and further BT Calling Features.
Pre-stored BT Services numbers:
• HELPDEsK – dials the BT Graphite 2500 Helpdesk for
information and help.
• BT 118500 – dials BT directory enquiries.
• vOICEMAIL – lets you use your network’s voicemail
service (1571).
• DIvERT CALLs – diverts all calls to a different telephone
• CALL wAITInG – to activate/de-activate.
• RInGBACK OFF – lets you cancel an automatic ring back
• wITHHOLD ID – prevents your telephone number being sent
when you make calls. Enters 141 automatically before the next
call only.
Open and dial from the BT Services menu
1. Press
, scroll
to BT sERvICEs and press
2. Scroll
to highlight HELPDEsK, BT 118500 or
vOICEMAIL and press
3. CALL is displayed, if you wish to call the service press
Voice mail
Dials 1571 so you can play and manage messages left on your
BT Answer 1571 voicemail service. You need to subscribe to BT
Answer 1571 for this feature to work.
To dial your voicemail
1. Press
, scroll
to BT sERvICEs and press
2. Scroll
to vOICEMAIL and press
3. CALL is displayed, press
To use BT Services and BT Calling
Features you must rst subscribe
(if required) to the relevant service
from your network provider. A fee
may be payable.
For more details on BT’s Calling
Features, call BT free on 0800
800 150.
If you are not connected to the BT
network, some of these services
may not be available. Please contact
your network provider. Call Diversion
services may allow other divert
options. Check with your network
provider for details.
For further information, see the BT
Calling Features user guide supplied
when you subscribe to the services of
your choice.
You can also select
Divert calls,
call waiting, ringback off or withholD iD
to use other BT services.
Please note that dependent on
the setting you use, your network
answering service (e.g. BT Answer
1571) may conict with the
answering machine on your
BT Graphite 2100. For example,
messages may be taken by the
network service before your
BT Graphite 2100 has a chance to
answer them. If you experience
difculties then please call the
Helpline for advice.