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Handset and base ringer volume
Choose from 5 levels and Off.
1. Press
, scroll
to sETTInGs.
2. Press
to display HAnDsET TOnE and press
or scroll to
BAsE TOnEs and press
3. Display shows RInG vOLUME. Press
4. The current setting is displayed and played.
5. Press
to select the volume (1–5 or OFF).
6. Press
to conrm or
to return to the previous menu.
Handset and base ringer melody
Choose from 5 melodies.
1. Press
, scroll
to sETTInGs.
2. Press
to display HAnDsET TOnE and press
or scroll to
BAsE TOnEs and press
3. Scroll
to RInG MELODy. Press
4. The current melody is played.
5. Press
to select the melody (1–5).
6. Press
to conrm or
to return to the previous menu.
Keypad beep on / off
When you press a button on the handset, you hear a beep.
You can switch these beeps on or off.
1. Press
, scroll
to sETTInGs.
2. Press
to display HAnDsET TOnE and press
3. Scroll
to KEy TOnEs. Press
. The current setting is
4. Press
to select On or OFF.
5. Press
to conrm or
to return to the previous menu.
Handset default ringer
volume =
Base default ringer volume = LEvEL 5
If you select Ringer off, the icon will
be displayed on the standby screen.
The default setting is ON.
Handset and base default ringer
ringer melody =