To cancel the Tme Delay functon
1. Press and hold Start/Pause/
Cancel key for 3 seconds. Time
delay period and start/pause icon
will start to flash and Time Delay
function will be cancelled.
C You can select and start a
new programme following
the cancellation of Time Delay
C Time Delay function cannot be set
after the programme starts.
Startng the programme
To start your machne after selectng
the programme and auxlary
functons, press Start/Pause/Cancel
C Your machine performs water
softening depending on the
hardness level of the supply water.
Due to water softening process
the programme duration may
change. The programme duration
can also change while the
programme is running depending
on the ambient temperature
where your machine is installed,
temperature of the supply water
and amount of the dishes.
C Pay attention not to open the door
of the machine when it is running.
Stop the machine by pressing
Start/Pause/Cancel key if you
have to open the door. Then, open
the door of the machine. There
may be a rush of vapour when you
open the door of your machine;
be careful. Close the door of your
machine and press Start/Pause/
Cancel key again. Programme will
resume running.
C The machine will remain silent
in pause mode for some time
in order to remove the water in
the machine and on the dishes
completely and to have the water
softener cleaned, and then it will
resume running in drying mode.
Cancellng the programme
1. Press Start/Pause/Cancel key for 3
seconds to cancel the programme.
2. Release the key when the
programme indicator starts
flashing. For a couple of minutes
the machine will fulfill the
necessary operations required to
cancel the programme.
C There might be residues of
detergent or rinse aid in the
machine and/or on the pieces
being washed depending on the
step the programme you have
cancelled was in.
Salt ndcator ( )
Please check the salt ndcator on
the dsplay to see whether there s
adequate amount of softenng salt
n the dshwasher or not. You need
to refll the salt reservor wth salt
whenever salt ndcator appears on
the dsplay of your machne.
C Adjusting the water hardness
level is explained in Water
Softening System section.
Rnse Ad ndcator ( )
Please check the rnse ad ndcator
on the dsplay to see whether there
s adequate amount of rnse ad n the
dshwasher or not. You need to refll
the rnse ad reservor wth rnse ad
whenever rnse ad ndcator appears
on the dsplay of your machne.