Discharge Chute Deflector
ALWAYS position Discharge Chute Defiector in safe
direction and angie before starting engine. Use Handle
at rear of Defiector to position Defiector at desired
height. DO NOT throw snow any higher than necessary.
IMPORTANT: If Chute Deflector does not stay in set
position, adjust as directed in Maintenance Section, or
repair before operating equipment.
Discharge Chute
Discharge Chute rotates 220°. Rotate Chute with
Deflector Chute Handle or crank chute with Defiector
Chute Handie ON Models 938007,009 only. (Figure 10)
IMPORTANT: DO NOT force frozen Chute controls.
Start engine and run for 3-5 minutes to thaw. If still
frozen, take to warm place until controls are free.
Starting and Shut Off
1. Turn discharge chute straight ahead.
2. Push Primer Bulb 2 or 3 times for cold engine.
NOTE: When temperature is below -15° F additional
priming may be needed.
3. Pull choke control out to "Choke" position (Figure 7).
NOTE: A warm engine requires less choking than a cold
4. Insert Key into Ignition Switch.
5. Turn key to run position.
6. Grasp starter handle and pull rope out slowly until it
pulls harder, this is compression stroke, let rope
rewind slowly (Figure 8).
7. Pull rope with a rapid continuous full arm stroke. Let
rope rewind slowly.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT let Starter Handle snap against
Starter Handle Bracket.
8. Repeat until engine starts. (If engine does not start,
refer to Engine Manual.)
9. When engine has started, open Choke slowly by
gradually pushing Choke Control in.
Shut Off
1. Run Impeller a few minutes after use to prevent
freeze-up of Impeller.
2. Release Impeller Clutch Bail and allow Impeller to
3. Turn Ignition Switch to "Off" position.
4 Remove key.
IMPORTANT: Before engine start check Impeller to be
sure it is not frozen. With key in "Stop" position,
squeeze Impeller Clutch Bail to Engaged position and
pull Recoil Starter Handle. If Impeller is frozen, (cannot
pull Starter Handle) move unit to a heated area and thaw
to prevent possible damage.
Ariens® Sno-Thro® Orig. 4/96