Fonts, Bar Codes and Graphics Specification
The specifications of fonts, bar codes and graphics depends on the printer
emulation. The emulation is a printer programming language through which the
host can communicate with your printer. There are three printer programming
languages, PPLA, PPLB and PAL/PPLZ.
Printer Programming Language A, PPLA
7 alpha-numeric fonts, OCR A and OCR B
4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 18 points
USASCII, UK, German, French, Italian,
Spanish, Swedish and Danish/Norwegian
8 symbol sets (PC, PC-A, PC-B, EAMA-
94, Roman, Legal, Greek and Russian)
Code 39 , Code 93,
Interleaved 2of 5 (standard/with
checksum digit/with human readable
check digit), EAN-8, EAN-13,UPC-A,
UPC-E, Postnet, Codabar, Code 128
subset A/B/C,
UCC/EAN-128 Random Weight, Plessey,
HBIC, Telepen, FIM, UPC2, UPC5,
GS1 Data Bar
PCX, BMP, IMG, and HEX formats